Saturday, September 22, 2012

Today I Prepared For A Trip, and Endured Chaos

Poor Momma’s... sometimes those days are just those days.  Mine, surprisingly enough, was okay but I got to witness and be around both my sister-in-law’s rough one as well as a friends. First of all my poor sister-in-law taking advantage of a toddler free shopping trip had lost her IPhone in the parking lot of Hobby Lobby that turned into a two hour escapade of me driving across town to meet the girl who found it (and who had called the last number dialed, me, to return it) and then back again to my very stressed sister who didn't know why on earth anyone might have stolen her phone and what she would have to do to ensure her personal and kids information was kept safe.  She was more than relieved to find me in her driveway with the phone (there was no way to let her know I was on my way to get it or return) and then she joined along to eat dinner with some other friends.

My friend on the other hand was having a normal day with a toddler and a baby, the kind consistent of puke, accidents, and the interesting adventures of missing dogs but we all got it sorted out in the end. Super women are we.  The men of course, stumbled in 10 minutes after the chaos subsided, the conquering bird hunters, stress free.  Punks.

For dinner we had fried some of the Axis deer from the August hunt and it was amazing as usual.  If only my munchkins would have been there to play with their cousins and friends but alas they were already with their other Aunt because tomorrow I fly to Austin for my first business trip! 

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