Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I had this idea...

One day I was reading an email about a man that asks his wife exactly what she did all day.  The rest of the story goes on to explain how he came home the next day to an absolute chaos and when he went to see if his wife was alright she explained "You know how you ask me what I do all day?  Well today I didn't do it!"

I love this story, and although my lovely husband is smart enough to never utter those words to me, I do feel like a lot of what us stay-at-home mom's go through is ignored.  I also try to realize that we are blessed because yes, some days we do stay in our pajamas all day long, take the easy way out on dinner, and get down on ourselves because certainly Ms.Thing down the street would never do that!  (not the case).  There are also days where we feel like we can do ANYTHING, and can feel wonderful that we managed to keep the children fed, clean, and learning, the house spotless and even a DIY project or two completed. I love those days. Let's keep it real here visitors, there are some days I'm Supermom, others, I don't even get a shower.

I created this blog as a place to motivate myself to keep up with the activities I plan and do for my family, the crafting projects that turn out (or don't) and the wonderful ways I experiment with Pinterest.

Hope you enjoy your visit!

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