Saturday, September 29, 2012

Today I Have a Walker!

Hayden is on the move!

Today we had a wonderful playdate with a new organized city-wide group of moms. I'm very excited about this group, we have so much potential to help one another out and this is a great way to communicate with lots of new moms!  I had donated one of my hats to the raffle and it was nice to see how many people were loving it and putting in tickets. The group has a mix-and-mingle coming up full of stay-at-home mom businesses so I'll try to get ready for that. Maybe one day crochet will be all I do for 'work'.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today I flew home…

Today was an early start to a long day.  I don’t know what it is about being alone and bored, but it makes me sleepy!  After a pretty good rest last night I attended day two of my state-wide training conference, stopping for lunch and a couple little breaks and then sitting in an airport for hours before the long travel home. 

Super exciting day, I should have brought some yarn.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Today I Was Lazy With My Best Friend

I have a convert!  I introduced my best girl Abby to the wonderful show in “Once Upon A Time” and now she can’t get enough.  A late night marathon led to her waiting for my breaks and lunch snuggled up in bed watching as many as she could fit in.  It was so nice to have her here still for lunch. I only wish she could have stayed the entire session!  Abby did drive home this afternoon but it was hopefully a great getaway for her too, us wild things watching Netflix on our weekend away in downtown Austin. Training was long but informative.  I really enjoy the people I will be hopefully working with this year.  Seems like our program will transfer into Texas with not a lot of adjustment, a lot of the practices in place here are what our standard is.  Now just to get the parents of Texas understanding that!   

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Today I Went On My First Business Trip

Today I flew away from my husband and children for the first time in order to attend a two day training for my new career as Texas State Director for my tutoring company.  I felt confident that I would fit in, thanks to my friend Jodi and her sudden desire to replace everything in her closet!  I managed to shop a little for some business type outfits that were still young and fun so I knew I’d at least look the part.  The best part of my day easily though was that I had convinced my best friend, Abby, to join me on my trip!  I had arranged to have a stopover in her area at least to have a visit, but as God had made sure things were to be special this weekend, the airlines ended up giving me a voucher for $150 dollars on my next flight while allowing me to drive the last leg of my flight with Abby even though they had quoted me a $400 change fee less than 30 minutes before!  Silly airlines.  We enjoyed the good long talk on the drive and then got to explore downtown Austin for several hours (Longhorn Stadium and the Capitol) before ordering a big meal and some fruity cocktails.  Both of us didn't know what to do without our kids hanging on us and couldn't quite bring ourselves to go ‘wild’.  It was nice to visit though, and eat hot food with cold drinks, a rare treat.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Today I Prepared For A Trip, and Endured Chaos

Poor Momma’s... sometimes those days are just those days.  Mine, surprisingly enough, was okay but I got to witness and be around both my sister-in-law’s rough one as well as a friends. First of all my poor sister-in-law taking advantage of a toddler free shopping trip had lost her IPhone in the parking lot of Hobby Lobby that turned into a two hour escapade of me driving across town to meet the girl who found it (and who had called the last number dialed, me, to return it) and then back again to my very stressed sister who didn't know why on earth anyone might have stolen her phone and what she would have to do to ensure her personal and kids information was kept safe.  She was more than relieved to find me in her driveway with the phone (there was no way to let her know I was on my way to get it or return) and then she joined along to eat dinner with some other friends.

My friend on the other hand was having a normal day with a toddler and a baby, the kind consistent of puke, accidents, and the interesting adventures of missing dogs but we all got it sorted out in the end. Super women are we.  The men of course, stumbled in 10 minutes after the chaos subsided, the conquering bird hunters, stress free.  Punks.

For dinner we had fried some of the Axis deer from the August hunt and it was amazing as usual.  If only my munchkins would have been there to play with their cousins and friends but alas they were already with their other Aunt because tomorrow I fly to Austin for my first business trip! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Today I Went Back to Blonde

I did it again.  I put my life and my *hair* on the line at the beauty school to get an updated look with a side of risk at the hands of a fairly new student.  And again, it turned out okay. I know I can tell the difference between a ‘professional’ and these practice jobs but really, I just can’t bring myself to spend $150 on a color and cut (or not even a cut in some cases!)  No matter how much money we bring in I don’t know if I’ll ever be there. I just need one of my girls to go to beauty school themselves and arrange a co-op of services. I love those kind of deals, everybody wins.

Anyway, I guess I'm blonde again. I think it’s pretty extreme but the husband commented on it the moment he saw it and said he liked it so I guess he’s the one that counts.   Four hours in the chair is making me reconsider my thriftiness though, a mom of two just doesn't have that kind of time.  Bless our Nana for her willingness to babysit.

Other things I did today… deposit checks in the bank, drop off a donated crochet hat for an upcoming local fundraiser, the post office to mail away three new orders, and a visit with my friend to ‘shop’ through her closet. Pretty full day. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Today I Launched An Etsy Shop

I bit the bullet, decided to throw caution to the wind, and signed up for the wonderful world of Etsy selling.  Not that I’m in the middle of buying two new properties, not that I’m starting a new nearly full-time job that requires travel, not that I have two kids under three and a perpetually untidy house that need attention.  Not that we’re moving in just THREE WEEKS. Oh well, sleep is overrated.

I’m so excited!  Go check out CrossWesternCrochet   Get some orders in, just in time for Christmas! 

P.S. Happy Birthday Mom! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I had this idea...

One day I was reading an email about a man that asks his wife exactly what she did all day.  The rest of the story goes on to explain how he came home the next day to an absolute chaos and when he went to see if his wife was alright she explained "You know how you ask me what I do all day?  Well today I didn't do it!"

I love this story, and although my lovely husband is smart enough to never utter those words to me, I do feel like a lot of what us stay-at-home mom's go through is ignored.  I also try to realize that we are blessed because yes, some days we do stay in our pajamas all day long, take the easy way out on dinner, and get down on ourselves because certainly Ms.Thing down the street would never do that!  (not the case).  There are also days where we feel like we can do ANYTHING, and can feel wonderful that we managed to keep the children fed, clean, and learning, the house spotless and even a DIY project or two completed. I love those days. Let's keep it real here visitors, there are some days I'm Supermom, others, I don't even get a shower.

I created this blog as a place to motivate myself to keep up with the activities I plan and do for my family, the crafting projects that turn out (or don't) and the wonderful ways I experiment with Pinterest.

Hope you enjoy your visit!