Friday, October 5, 2012

Today We Bought A House and I Started Painting

We didn't really buy a house today I guess, since it's an incredibly lengthy process, but if one day is THE day it's closing.  Hubby and I signed about a million sheets of paper and got the keys to our beautiful home we've been stressing over and making arrangements for since August.

I.AM.THRILLED  (but also nervous, apprehensive, a little regretful "what did we do!?", anxious to get decorating, excited to be grownups, so ready to be DONE with the move)

First thing I did today, painted Landon's room.  Some people have asked me why I didn't go with a cowboy or rodeo theme but really, enough of his day is about being a cowboy. I wanted a nice place for him to relax and sleep, and feel familiar and comfortable at the same time.  I painted his room the same wonderful color of blue we had at the orchard house.  Except I used better paint.  It was worth every penny of the extra $6 it cost, one coat baby!

Again, thanks to the Nana for being there to watch my kids while I get crafty. We could not survive without you.

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