Friday, October 19, 2012

Today I Cleaned the Playground and Painted Some More

Today was a busy day, and it felt like it.  I always tend to have those after nights the baby doesn't sleep.  Exhaustion must make me feel like moving.

Today I finished painting the walls of the playroom, a nice tan color called Camel.  It goes extremely well with the green for the chalkboard wall and the fabric I bought for curtains (oh yes I finished those today too) but I'm not really feeling the room yet.  I keep going back and forth over whether to paint the trim white, leave it the oak color it is now, or try to stain in darker.  I'm so torn over all the wood in this house and it's so frustrating!  I love wood but I don't particularly love the color of our wood, it doesn't go with our furniture, and they have SO MUCH of it. I'm sure one day it will all become clear in my head and I can be satisfied.  Maybe I'm just second guessing myself after the grey kitchen blunder.

I also spent our normal sunset play time out with the kids pushing them on the swings and finally picking up the garbage that the last family left in the sand part.  It looks like it was a lot of leftover scrap material from a shredded trampoline so that was easy to pick up, just had to do it.  I also raked the whole sandy part on the house side of the acre and moved the larger rocks, weeds as I came to them, and dead leaves, sticks, etc off to the side so I can take a shovel out there tomorrow and load them into a trash bin.  It looks a MILLION percent better.

The baby ducks are getting more comfortable in the yard and follow us around like baby ducks do. They are so cute.  I am less worried about Oakley (dog) and Jason Aldean (older duck) than I was before so I can relax my guard on the tiny babies and play with the kids more.  Yay for less stress!

I'm sad I'm missing a girls night tonight, Hubby took off last night for his elk hunt and I don't have a reliable babysitter that can come watch my kids late at my house so I'm stuck here.  That's usually the case and I really need to work on some solutions so I can get out and enjoy the time with my friends.  Tonight they were doing a closet exchange and a 31 bags party, both of which I was interested in but oh well, I am also looking forward to watching some online episodes of Criminal Minds and then going to bed early. Hope Hayden sleeps tonight.

Until tomorrow,

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