Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Today I Took My Cowboy To The Rodeo

Today was a very special day for Landon. 

Anyone that knows my son, knows that he lives, breaths, eats, sleeps RODEO.  This kid knows all the rodeo events and has his own versions of each of them.  He has three separate ride-able horses here at the house and they each get a turn or twelve daily.  Jeans are "cowboy cut jeans" and everything cool must be something that "Jason Aldean" would do.   Funny stuff I tell you. 

Anyway we took Landon to the fair today along with our cousins Lizzie and Austin and their mom.  We had a great time looking at animals, watching the lumberjack show, and eating bbq brisket (yum!)  After the cousins and aunt left we headed over to the rodeo where my boy won the hearts of all the dedicated cowboys just with his excitement an ongoing commentary. It was precious and I wish I had my videocamera for it.  Not so much for the epic meltdown on the way to the car when it was over. Oh well, cherish the good moments right?

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