In just a little over 12 hours I will be checked into our wonderful hospital to be 'encouraged' to have a baby. I am a little nervous of going the induction route again as my last experience was near perfect and I can't possibly be that lucky again right? I do feel more comfortable though at this point having little girl out than in, since the last appointment I had fallen behind even further and am measuring 4 weeks behind in growth!
I am so happy though that we've made it this far (39 weeks) since I had been expecting the go ahead anytime after 35 due to growth restriction issues. Turns out little girl didn't have any growth restrictions on her own, it's just Mama and a little problem with our amniotic fluid. They assure me that it's not in the 'danger' zone, but close so I have just been taking it easy to keep the stress off baby and drinking my fluids. Yesterday I had a bad bout of nausea and even a one time horrible case of puking so all in all I'm just ready for her to be out and safe. Being my second time around I'm actually a little 'excited' for the birth experience, and I can't wait to be back in control of my own body. I love my children, but I don't love being pregnant.
CK has been trying to step up with Bug, and it's nice to see them spend time together. I know it's frustrating dealing with a toddler after a long day of work but I'm sure he'll be jumping at the chance to take Bug out once the newborn screaming commences! All about perspective.
Our lovely family came and spent Thanksgiving with us, well the young ones at least. It was a great day. We also have been doing projects around the house to get ready for baby and just to feel more 'settled in'. Still a long ways to go, as CK said today... we get more room just to get more stuff to fill it up! Mostly though, life is boring at least until tomorrow. I have learned to crochet and am so far loving it, can't wait to make a bunch of adorable baby things for my own precious girl and her two cousins coming in Feb and March of next year!