Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why I'm Here

Currently I have a baby restlessly napping for a few minutes, a toddler avoiding her nap altogether, and one cranky 4 year old that did manage to finally fall asleep. Like most days in this situation, I'm avoiding noise of any kind less my day be ruined all together with 3 horribly overtired munchkins.

This is my space.   This is where I will document my daily adventures mostly to the great unknown since I'm too reclusive lately to have real friends to talk to.  In honesty, it'll be nice to type out my thoughts to those that want or care to read, rather than judge who might be up for it face to face as I've seemed to have trouble with that lately.

The good, the bad, the ugly.  This is going to be my 'reflections' and they will come in all forms.

I'm so tired.  That is the thought that runs through my mind most days lately. I know I could do better with eating and getting my exercise in,  I know it couldn't possibly make it worse, but I lack even the motivation to do that simple start.  I have tried to increase my water, hoping that it'll help my stomach and in turn the nursing baby's stomach so we can all move towards better sleep.  I am kind of stuck in a 'comfortable' but definitely not enjoyable place and my brain is telling me it's time to take that leap and get back into LIFE and not just survival.  I have yet to convince my body completely.  Darn hormones.   In reality, I am back to my pre-baby body (at least before the daily stretching out of the weak stomach muscles) and I have three healthy kids that are easy to take along anywhere but the grocery store.  My hardships are mental, and boy do I know it, which just serves to incapacitate me further that I "can't" do things.  Anxiety, temper, depression, all creep up on me lately and as much as I hate the way I feel over it I just haven't kicked myself in the behind hard enough to just GET OVER IT!  Maybe writing it out, even if nobody does come around here for a while, will help me (at least until the nursing is over and I can go back to having chemical assistance for some of these issues).

School starts in two weeks for Number 1 and 2.  It'll be a forced entry into a semi-regular schedule requiring a drive to town 2 days a week, and finding errands and other things to do while they attend, as it's a giant waste of time to come home between.  Hazards of living out in the middle of nowhere.  A friend of mine and I have already made some plans to walk together or shop, keeping ourselves busy and actively social at least those few hours a week.  I think it'll help.  I should probably just start now but like I said above, 'comfortable' is dragging me back those last few weeks.   Also the weather.  I hate the heat and this desert is HOT.

5 weeks now or so until we make the trip, me plus 3, home to Canada. I look so forward to this every year. A nice break from my new (has it really been 7 years?!)  life and an adventure into my old one.  Plus babysitters so I can feel human for a while. We have a wedding to attend and lots of friends to see, comfort food to eat, and an honest attempt at catching up on sleep while I can. I'll be glorious. As long as 3's passport comes in time, but that is stress for another day.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Today I Mingled and Became a Distributor

Tonight was the city wide mix and mingle. A place for all the work-at-home moms to get together and exchange business cards and hand out samples, raffle off items and drink at the cash-bar!  I did not get myself organized enough in time with the move to be an official 'vendor' for this event but I did bring along a few hat samples and met up with some other amazing women running their own businesses.

I've been sucked in folks..    to dōTERRA Essential Oils!   Website and official order forms to come for all my friends and family (you'll know I'll be on you to order through me).  I am so excited about this.  While I did sample and think 'wow, what a great idea!' a couple of times in the night, I did spend the majority of the time talking to the lady that sells dōTERRA and finding out all the amazing things I can do for my family using these all natural products!    More information and self-trials to come.

I did manage to sell 2 crochet hats at the mingle even though I wasn't an official vendor, so I call it a win (made $40 bucks, spent about $200...) The best part was that I got to curl my hair, put on a little makeup and leave my kids with their kind and generous Aunt while I had a couple hours to myself.  Yay! I may or may not have come home with a hot pink hair extension as well (for charity, I had to!),  and I maybe might have done a self-portrait in the mirror to show off the new addition.  Does anyone else feel weird when they do that?

On another note, I am completely obsessed with Pandora.  I love the music and I'm always so impressed they know what I like by simply putting in one favorite song.  But today it took me someplace I wasn't sure I wanted to go and it was a strange feeling.  Hello high school memories, damn you Pandora!  Music is so powerful, today it turned an *almost 30* mom of two into a heartbroken teenager all over again! It's dance party music all day tomorrow for sure.

I repainted the kitchen walls from the awful grey to a tan.  I like it much better but it's still not perfect.  No idea what I'm going to do with this space!!!  I may just have to bite the bullet and do the tiling that I wanted in the first place.  At least the paint I used today was free, it was leftover from the bedroom makeover the last owners did.  Maybe my Hubby will have another idea, he always claims to have the brains in the family.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Today I Cleaned the Playground and Painted Some More

Today was a busy day, and it felt like it.  I always tend to have those after nights the baby doesn't sleep.  Exhaustion must make me feel like moving.

Today I finished painting the walls of the playroom, a nice tan color called Camel.  It goes extremely well with the green for the chalkboard wall and the fabric I bought for curtains (oh yes I finished those today too) but I'm not really feeling the room yet.  I keep going back and forth over whether to paint the trim white, leave it the oak color it is now, or try to stain in darker.  I'm so torn over all the wood in this house and it's so frustrating!  I love wood but I don't particularly love the color of our wood, it doesn't go with our furniture, and they have SO MUCH of it. I'm sure one day it will all become clear in my head and I can be satisfied.  Maybe I'm just second guessing myself after the grey kitchen blunder.

I also spent our normal sunset play time out with the kids pushing them on the swings and finally picking up the garbage that the last family left in the sand part.  It looks like it was a lot of leftover scrap material from a shredded trampoline so that was easy to pick up, just had to do it.  I also raked the whole sandy part on the house side of the acre and moved the larger rocks, weeds as I came to them, and dead leaves, sticks, etc off to the side so I can take a shovel out there tomorrow and load them into a trash bin.  It looks a MILLION percent better.

The baby ducks are getting more comfortable in the yard and follow us around like baby ducks do. They are so cute.  I am less worried about Oakley (dog) and Jason Aldean (older duck) than I was before so I can relax my guard on the tiny babies and play with the kids more.  Yay for less stress!

I'm sad I'm missing a girls night tonight, Hubby took off last night for his elk hunt and I don't have a reliable babysitter that can come watch my kids late at my house so I'm stuck here.  That's usually the case and I really need to work on some solutions so I can get out and enjoy the time with my friends.  Tonight they were doing a closet exchange and a 31 bags party, both of which I was interested in but oh well, I am also looking forward to watching some online episodes of Criminal Minds and then going to bed early. Hope Hayden sleeps tonight.

Until tomorrow,

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Today I Painted a Magnetic Wall

Another shout out to Pinterest!

I loved the idea of putting up a magnetic chalkboard wall for the kid's playroom.  I had all these visions of magnetic sight words and rotating art as well as a place where they can just scribble on the walls without getting in trouble.  Queue Rustoleum's Magnetic Primer found on Pinterest.  

Okay, this product does not work well enough for the size of wall I was trying to do, some magnets stick but none of my sight word magnets hold at all (yes I did order them, I like to fulfill my visions prematurely).  Hopefully I can get another can and at least do half the wall strong enough magnetic to actually serve a purpose. I have high hopes for this wall! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today We Got New Babies

New babies... ducks that is!

We took a visit to our favorite local feed store today so my cowboy son could feed the steers and lambs and they had brought in new ducklings from the hatchery!  I have been looking for baby ducks for a while so that Jason Aldean wouldn't feel so alone (just catching up... yes Jason Aldean is my son's duck).  Not that I think he knows he's a duck since Chuck Norris disappeared (our other duck, we let our son name his own ducks).  Oakley and Jason are in for a change, poor Oakley already thinks he's a duck.

Welcome Willie Nelson, Toby Keith, and Ducky.  Sometimes I don't know if my paint fumes get to my kid, haha!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Today I Counted My Blessings

Does it get better than this?  Peeking out from my comfy patio furniture at my two babies and my two 'other' babies and seeing everyone playing so peacefully in our new home.  Trees to climb, grass to lay in, dogs and ducks to pet and play with.  Life is good.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Today We Got to Spend More Time Outside

To say we are enjoying our new backyard is an understatement....

In other house news, I painted our kitchen pop outs today (island and pantry).  It was the same nice, deep, shade of brown that I used for the mural in Landon's room.  It turned out grey in the kitchen.... FAIL. I can't stand it but now I'm second guessing myself as to what will look good in that space. So I'm sitting on that project and browsing through Pinterest until I know what I want to do.  Actually, I WANT to put in faux stone, but pricing that our puts both those small spaces at over 200 bucks to tile, so I'm waiting and browsing until I can find what I want to do that I can afford.  

Let's go eat dirt!